
eval chris nimmo

Please make a copy first    Evaluation/Reflection NAME: Chris Nimmo CLASS: 10PHO1 UNIT TITLE: term 3-4 assessment body of work What grade did you think you will earn for each category? Type in your response. Copy/Paste this Tick ✔ Did Not Complete Assignment 1 Does Not All Meet Expectations 2 Approaches Expectations 3 Meets Expectations 4 Exceeds Expectations 5 Focus on all aspects of the task Process from ideas development to completion Organisation skills Style & Workmanship Content TOTAL: 15 /25 Strengths of the process or assessment task Weaknesses of the process or assessment task My photos and photo skills Time management and procces What did you learn from doing this assessment task? (skills, life lessons, words etc.) Nothing How do you feel about your final product? I like it If you could do this task all over again, what would you do differently/the same? ...

final submission

f-stop: 11 iso: 100 Shutter speed: 1/80 location: Barrenjoey lighthouse date: 1/10/18 Time: 6:07am f-stop: 8 iso: 100 Shutter speed: 1/60 location: Blacksmiths Beach date: 23/9/18 Time: 7:10am f-stop: 11 iso: 100 Shutter speed: 1/100 location: Blacksmiths Beach date:23/9/18 Time: 6:56am f-stop: 11 iso: 100 Shutter speed: 1/60 location: Blacksmiths Beach date:23/9/18 Time: 6:59am f-stop: 22 iso: 100 Shutter speed: 131 seconds location: Mona Vale pools date: 9/10/18 Time: 6:26am f-stop: 22 iso: 100 Shutter speed: 161 seconds location: Mona Vale date: 9/10/18 Time: 6:34am f-stop: 11 iso: 100 Shutter speed: 1/20 location: Mona Vale date: 9/10/18 Time: 7:00am f-stop: 11 iso: 100 Shutter speed: 1/13 location: Mona Vale date: 9/10/18 Time:7:03am

new inspring artist

aqua bumps on Instagram real name Eugene Tan

what I did in the holidays

over the holidays I went to many different beaches for sunrise photos

this lesson

I edited photos from the weekend

what i did this lesson

look at more of Thomas Heaton works

assessment criteria
