
Showing posts from May, 2018

questions for interview

Why did I start? Because I worked for a record company and got free cd's What does your family think? They don't mind because I don't obsess over it how many do you think you have? 300 or so When did you first start collecting them? 1988 Do you like your collection? No, not really

photos for collection


self eval

collection sketches



Day 158 - Vintage Lightbulbs Lisa Congdon – A Collection a Day Visit Lisa Condon’s Blog - Answer the following questions on your blog. What are her motivations for embarking on the project? To create artistic images Do you see her as a typical collector?  Explain why/why not. Not really because she isn’t really taking photos of large collections so it doesn’t look as a massive collection Find two different collections on Lisa Congdon’s blog and make up a fictional collector profile of a person who could have been the collector of each collection. i.e. pretend you don’t know that Lisa Congdon owns the items and invent someone who could be the owner. Complete two collector character profiles, one for each collection. Use the following points to guide you: - Name? Could be humorous! Gary Winthorpe - Where they live, occupation, age, other interests/hobbies Lives in Brunei, still looking for work, 34, i...

5 portraits to inspire and influence
